Image with spider & web demonstrating crawability for higher SEO ranking

9 SEO Hacks to Improve Ranking of your Website in 2021

As there is an increasing habit in the world towards searching anything to everything on internet, SEO plays a vivacious role in organic growth of businesses in online marketing strategy. Here, we are presenting to you with 9 SEO Hacks to improve ranking of your website.

Search Engines astonishes at updating its algorithms that directly affects SEO, otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization. It’s not, now a secret precisely that it is so key to keep your site rank high on the indexed site lists. To let your business obtain optimum SEO benefit within the ever evolving algorithms, it’s better to be equipped with some killer SEO optimization tips and stay ahead of competition.

During the beginning stage of the Internet and when substance advertising was as yet in its unrefined structure, simply stuffing your website page with watchwords and paying for the connections worked consummately. Be that as it may, with time, SEO began to assume a fundamental part in maintaining your online business effectively.

We bring forward for your some “SEO Hacks” in an infographic below following with detailed explanation. While, ‘SEO hacks’ in this context is related to general tips, there are still some valuable points to keep in mind while working on a content creation process.

Here’s a quick summary:

SEO Hacks Infographic

SEO Hacks Detailed Explanation

1.      Pivoted User Experience

There is a paradigm shift observed across the industry to focus on user experience. In context to SEO, user experience is about how the users interact with search results and rank the results based on that feedback.

It is a continuous learning loop where the ranking on the search engines changes based on the user interaction. If the user clicks on the URL but bounce back immediately will lead to loose ranking. But, if a user stays longer on a site, the site will gain ranking or stay higher.

The keywords are key contributor impacting the user experience; as the keywords brings your targeted audience to your website based on their search.

The keyword research and optimizing the site on the most relevant keywords always helps with higher ranks. Determine which keywords to target & know the words & phrases of real searches. Make sure to update the content on the pages to include the keywords.

2.      Re-purpose & Overhaul Old Posts

It is relatively easy and smart move to repurpose old contents and give them a brand new look.

Look out for the blog posts or pages that have higher ranking and rewrite them. Spice them up with new images, text, visuals, examples, answers, statistics, quotes …… or more details.

If you have blog posts on a site, the archive must be having a good number of contents to try upon. Choose a post, remove the old content and revamp it with the latest information.

As you revise your content, make a point to pick the catchphrases from the associated subtopics, which are noticeable on the indexed lists page at the bottom in “people also ask” section and in the “related searches”.  

Make your old content relevant to current times & get it in front of target audience to perform better.

3.      Leverage Videos

Quality outperforms quantity in the case of SEO. Just because you have large number of indexed pages doesn’t always means your site going to attract a larger volume of organic traffic.

Online video has enormous potential and has the potential to make the content viral. Recent stats says that 80% of all online traffic is made of video; still 43% of people want more videos. Users prefer to watch a quick video on a relevant topic rather reading a text of full-length page. So instead of posting unnecessary content in the hope of better website SEO, concentrate on expressive content through videos.

4.      Featured Snippets or Zero Position Ranking

Featured Snippets are only 11% of search results and are also known as “Zero Position Ranking”. These are the snippets that shows up on search engine results pages usually alongside an image, table, or a video, making them stand out.  The snippets are visually appealing with precise information that which puts them in position to steal clicks from even the highest ranked results.

Featured Snippets impact SEO in two ways:

  • Featured Snippets are an opportunity to get more clicks from the organic search results… without higher Google rankings. As per experts, a Featured Snippet gets approximately 8% of all clicks.
  • Featured Snippets increase the number of “no-click searches”. That’s because the Featured Snippet often gives a direct answer to the question a person may be looking for.

5.      Optimize for Voice Search

With an outgrown use of IoT (Internet of Things) devices the Voice Search has become rapid trend in the digital industry. It has gain popularity as it enables users to multitask & get answers more quickly & efficiently.

Similar to SEO, Voice Search also requires a content to be generated for users and information they look out for. Keyword research has to be performed to capture the target service/products and can be posed asked as a question. The content should be created in a question format.

6.      Mobile Responsive & Indexing

The search engines now consider mobile version of the website to be a primary version of a site. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly your rankings may take a hit; remember from above that user experience is HUGE and considered to be at the front.

As the mobile devices comes handy, the search & browsing is done more on these devices. If the site is not mobile-responsive & not indexed appropriately it will take a hit on the ranking score.

A mobile-friendly site will earn a steady reputation and engages more visitors.

7.      Augment site for CTR

CTR is an abbreviated form of Click Through Rate. A higher CTR can be achieved by optimizing meta titles and meta tags. CTR is a great measurement for your efforts around organic search. Include power words in titles and tags, showcase the product benefit, strategically align the tags with user requirement.

This may be a traditional SEO approach but it is basic & must needed. This is also about user experience, unless the meta data of the site is attractive to a user, the site will not get a click.

To increase your site’s organic reach and convince people to click on your link, optimize your meta tags, meta titles and meta descriptions.

8.      Gain Site Authority

The search engines always gives ranking preference to the sites which has higher site authority. There are multiples ways to increase the site authority:

  • Link to other sites with high authority and relevant content to encourage relationships and backlinks
  • Increase social proof through reviews and testimonials
  • Install an SSL certificate and move to HTTPS to inspire confidence in site visitors
  • Set up on Google My Business for legitimacy

9.      Optimize Performance

Performance of a site is a very critical piece to ensure that the site gets higher ranking on a search engine. Slow loading sites sucks & doesn’t give the right user experience!

The performance of a site is optimized through multiple measures like compressing the images on the site to increase the site speed, creating an XML sitemap to make it crawlable, usage of tracking like Google Analytics to identify the user’s dropouts, making use of the structured data, etc.


SEO is a conventional method of Digital Marketing; however it is still considered to be a key component. Make sure that the site is updated & enriched with highly relevant content to get better SEO results. Hopefully, the SEO Hacks presented in this post are useful for you to grow your organic reach.

We at ascendIT Consulting provides comprehensive SEO services. Our SEO trained professionals can help you with intense keyword research & grow your business with organic traffic growth.

We at ascendIT Consulting is an emerging partner for Digital Transformation. Our unique & autonomous business model makes us different from other players in the industry. Our objective is to provide one of the best experiences to customers. We believe in true collaboration between business & technology to innovate a solution tailored for your specific need. We offer a full range of all Digital Transformation services under one roof.

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