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Campaign Creatives

It's simple, quality creatives engages & acquire customers!

“Campaigns” are the integral part in the world of online advertising, and digital marketing. The basic feature every campaign should have is that it should be “Creative”. Creative refers to the graphic elements of your ad: the image, video, or carousel images. Don’t be fooled by the term “creative.” It doesn’t have to be overly imaginative. Good creative communicates your message visually in just a second or two. So it supports and enhances your copy. The digital world is changing the perception of the customers and the campaigns should be bold, inviting and engaging, so they can hook in the viewer before that person is distracted by something else.

The Campaign is the first image that your potential clients, customers, and even future partners will use to get an idea of your company, your services or products.  The campaigns should be creative enough that they should draw potential customers towards your website, but it also needs to establish the uniqueness of your brand. Unfortunately, simply creating amazing ads the first time around won’t be enough to keep your audience engaged – you’ll also need to keep changing, updating, and refreshing your campaign creatives to stay ahead of the competition.

Our Creative Directors are seasoned professionals to provide you with Campaigns that will not only attract potential customers but also retain them. We engage with our customers to put together a strategy by leveraging design-thinking approach to understand the objective of a campaign and keeping a track of how the campaign is performing.

Strategically Driven

The campaigns should be driven with a set of objectives and ensure creatives are designed keeping those objectives in mind. The creative ideas should be right for your business and targeted audience.

Attractive & Responsive

Mobile devices are increasingly becoming the preferred method consumers use for consuming online content. The campaign should be designed to attract the potential customers and able to drive the desired value.

Time Sensitive

The retention time of a potential customer is just few seconds and the creative should be able to provide the context of your business within that period of time to attract customer and have them drive desired actions.

Campaign Creative Formats & Packages

Text Ads

Image for Text Ads

TEXT ADS are being used when you want to reach people with easily edited messaging while they are browsing websites, using apps or online search. The Search Network is specific Text Ads displayed as part of the results of your search on the Search Engines & Display Network are displayed on the websites or apps you browse through.   

The Search Network is a great place to advertise for a wide range of businesses, and its particularly good for local businesses. The Display Network re-purposes Text Ads in responsive banner ads and places them on websites. 

Text Ads is one of the most common & cost efficient format of online advertising and is being widely used.

Text Ads

  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Campaign Theme & Objective
  • Design Concepts - 2
  • Revisions of selected design - 2
  • Turnaround 2-3 Days

Image Ads

IMAGE ADS are the most common type of display ad. They consist of a single file, minimal animation, and one landing page. Image ads have a background graphic, a business logo, and a call-to-action. We recommend these as an essential part of every campaign.

Arguably Image Ads are one of the most common and easy type of Ad format but are proven to be very effective for brand awareness, local awareness, reach to target audience, generate traffic, engagement, lead generation, conversions and product catalog sales.

The image should be able to define the story of the brand and leaves an impact to the viewer.


Image Ads

$ 12
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Campaign Theme & Objective
  • Non-Premium Images
  • Design Concepts - 2
  • Revisions of selected design - 2
  • Turnaround 2-3 Days
Image for Image or Picture ads

Carousel Ads

Carousel Ads

$ 15
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Campaign Theme & Objective
  • Non-Premium Images
  • Design Concepts - 2
  • Revisions of selected design - 2
  • Turnaround 3-5 Days
Image for Carousel Ads

Carousel ads are a kind of advertising format that combines multiple videos or images into a single ad. Carousel ads are most popular on Instagram and Facebook, where you can showcase a number of images to improve your chances of a conversion or sale. Because carousel ads are visually appealing and interactive, they’re a very engaging way to promote a business.

Carousel ads are extremely versatile and can be used in a number of ways. While many businesses use this type of ad as a way to promote products, the ads also provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your brand’s uniqueness and tell a story.

  • Highlight a product
  • Illustrate how to use a product
  • Tell a Story
  • Product Tour
  • Share an article



Shopping Ads

Image for Shopping Ads

SHOPPING ADS are type of ads that features detailed information about specific products that you sell. Shopping ads can also refer to product shopping ads, which may inlcude just one product or a catalog of multiple products which may be related to each other.

They automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the internet. You upload your product catalog and set up your campaign once, and it continues finding the right people for the right product for as long as you want.

Shopping Ads

$ 15
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Campaign Theme & Objective
  • Design Concepts - 2
  • Revisions of selected design - 2
  • Turnaround 2-3 Days

Collection Ads

COLLECTION ADS are mostly being used for social marketing, primarily for Facebook & Instagram. These are a mobile-only format, designed to maximize the mobile user experience.

Collection Ads are a little like powered-up carousel ads. The goal is still to feature multiple products—but in a mobile-friendly way that showcases as many items as possible at once.

You still get a few lines of ad text. Then you choose a “featured” image or video for the ad that will show up large, taking center stage. And then, you can choose multiple products to feature underneath, showing users more of what you have to offer.

Collection Ads

$ 15
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Campaign Theme & Objective
  • Non-Premium Images
  • Design Concepts - 2
  • Revisions of selected design - 2
  • Turnaround 2-3 Days
Image for Collection Ads

Stories Ads

Stories Ads

$ 15
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Campaign Theme & Objective
  • Non-Premium Images
  • Design Concepts - 2
  • Revisions of selected design - 2
  • Turnaround 3-5 Days
Image for Stories Ads

Story Ads exist within stories which exist atop News Feed on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter. Naturally Stories themselves are also full-screen and vertical—so when you watch them, all you see on your mobile device is the content itself. When one Story ends—by way of it simply ending or you manually swiping through—the next one begins. In this way, once you are in the format, it super easy to access a continuous stream of full-screen content.

Story ads exist as dividers between Stories themselves—but, like News Feed ads, it’s difficult to tell them apart from the rest of the organic content within the format. Aside from the “Sponsored” denotation, and, presumably, an increase in production value, they look just like organic posts.

Video Ads

Image for Video Ads

Video advertising is promotional content that plays before, during or after streaming content. 

Video advertising is one of the most popular ways to reach online audiences. Experts believe video advertising will dominate the next decade, which suggests that now is an ideal time for marketing professionals to learn more about it and investigate how it could improve their reach and overall effectiveness with campaigns.

Stats indicate marketers must be exceptionally careful to create video ads the audience perceives as genuinely valuable and relevant. The placement of a video ad also matters, since the goal is to make any advertising content minimally disruptive.

Video Ads

$ 30
  • Animated / Images
  • Video Duration 30 Seconds
  • Background Music (Royalty Free)
  • 2 Design Concepts
  • 2 Revisions of selected design
  • HD Rendering
  • Source File (MP4, MOV etc.)
  • Lifetime Support
  • Turnaround 10 Days