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Content Writing & Designing

Powerful content can build a BRAND VALUE!

Content Writing is an art! It is an art to educate, inform, entertain, motivate, inspire, convince or persuade a specific set of audience. Content has a power to solve complex problems for a specific set of audience and actually adding value to this set of audience. When a value is added, it builds trust and trust serves as a key ingredient in building a brand value.

Content Writing should be done based on the set objective & target audience, also a proper research on a subject is important to make the content impactful for the target audience to read & interpret. The clarity plays a key role in engaging more visitors to view & read the content. Typically, a Content is being developed for web content with a set of specific audience in mind. However, content writing is not just limited to it but it is also important for blog posts, newsletters, key note speeches, social media posts, white papers, web pages, video scripts or descriptions.

Ideally, the content writing & designing tasks for a business should be aligned with the keyword research & SEO objectives. The content should be relevant to your business and should highlight your strengths where you outperform your competition. This will help you get an assured ROI. Our Content Writing & Designing services will help you move ahead of your competition!

Research on subject

Research on a subject plays a key role in writing a content. It's important to capture all ideas and data and filter as you start writing the content on the subject.

Unique Style

The research helps us to build & develop content in unique style. We take inspiration from experts in the field but leverage our unique personality and varied writing style.

Stick to Subject

Sticking to the subject of content is important rather than wandering to multiple topics. Alignment of content to a specific subject is key to success with Content Writing.

Creative Perspective

The content should be unique and it is critical to brig your unique perspective while creating a content. Viewpoint of every content writer may differ for a single Topic & Idea.

Keep It Simple

The content should be written by keeping everyone in mind, it should be balanced and easy to understand by a layman. The message should be clear & concise in terms of words.

Edit. Edit. Edit.

Proof read your content as many times as possible to identify & rectify small mistakes. Incorrect content may have a negative impact on the audience.

Content Writing & Designing Packages

Content improves your brand value and lead you to outperform your competition!


$ 30
  • Content & Keyword Research
  • Pages/Blogs/Articles - 1
  • Average Words - 500-750
  • Engaging Images - 2
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Content Review & Revision - 2 times max.
  • Turnaround 5 Days


$ 50
  • Content & Keyword Research
  • Pages/Blogs/Articles - 1
  • Average Words - 750-1250
  • Engaging Images - 4
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Content Review & Revision - 3 times max.
  • Turnaround 10 Days


$ 70
  • Content & Keyword Research
  • Pages/Blogs/Articles - 1
  • Average Words - 1250-2000
  • Engaging Images - 6 to 8
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Content Review & Revision - 5 times max.
  • Turnaround 15 Days
For custom requirements, please reach us here!