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Marketing & Promotion

Marketing is sharing your passion with target audience for them to meet their desire!

Marketing is a business practice that involves identifying, predicting and meeting customer needs. Effective marketing strategies help businesses isolate how best to serve their client base, while maximizing revenue at the same time.

As technology continues to evolve and grow in importance, modern businesses employ diverse marketing and advertising strategies to reach potential customers and close sales. Stretching from traditional media to digital marketing online and in social media, marketing and advertising seem to be everywhere. Part of this reality is due to the effectiveness of marketing and advertising strategies in driving success for companies of every shape and size.

While sometimes used interchangeably, there are actually many differences between marketing and advertising. In basic terms, marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and determining how best to meet those needs. In contrast, advertising is the exercise of promoting a company and its products or services through paid channels. In other words, advertising is a component of marketing. But the differences do not end there.

We offer variety of marketing & promotion solutions for you; our objective is for you to focus on developing your products and services, while we leverage our expertise to continue to market & promote them. Our experts conduct market research & evaluate orientation, mix, environment & market, along with the cost & benefits to prepare tailor made digital marketing strategy for your business.

SEO & SMO (Organic Marketing)

As the world is growing towards the habit of searching anything to everything on internet, SEO & SMO plays a vital role in organic growth of businesses in online marketing strategy.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a method of acquiring traffic by improving search results page rankings using various techniques.

SMO stands for Social Media Optimization, which leads to an increase in brand awareness, site traffic, and greater audience engagement. Through social media pages, a brand can be promoted using direct messaging.

SEO & SMO operates in different spheres, but they do impact one another. The key priority of both SEO & SMO is to drive organic traffic to your website and it makes sense that they should work together to bring as much traffic in as possible.

Our digital professionals can help you with intense keyword research & grow your business with organic traffic growth! 

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Pay Per Click (PPC)

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PPC or Pay-Per-Click marketing is the process of advertising in the paid ads section of search engines or social media platforms. As the name suggests, you only have to pay when someone clicks on your ad and is led to the landing page you pre-set as the destination for them.

As we cannot imagine our lives without internet even for few hours, PPC is gaining lot of importance for being a part of marketing strategy for any company. It is one of the most popular advertising channel as it empowers you to track and measure every penny you have been spending on advertising.

The search engines & social media platforms provides you with the capability to bid for the keywords used in searches. Create a budget you are comfortable with, spend money to buy traffic and continue to improve based on what works and what doesn’t works for your business.

Our marketing professionals can develop a marketing plan meeting your budgets and manage to effectively invest your money while continue to grow your customer base!

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers, and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.

Email marketing allows you to target particular groups of customers or even specific individuals. It’s easy to set up and track an email marketing campaign, which makes it accessible for small businesses.

In the growing age of Social Media, its tempting to write off email marketing; however it is statistically  proven yet again & again that Email Marketing remains an important aspect of marketing strategy for a company.

Our experts can help you with driving your Email Marketing requirements and help you convert prospects to customers to loyal customers!


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Reputation Management

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With a recent growth of internet usage & social media platforms, the public relations have aligned influencing & controlling as core part of an individual, group or business reputation.

As the engagement and interaction has been increasing on the online platforms and becoming for business success. It has increased the need of businesses to be transparent, which means opening up to criticism and feedback. The businesses are embracing this new mode of communication with their customers.

Reputation Management hlps individuals or businesses to take control of the online conversation. The purpose is to create a balance, counteract misleading trends, and allow you to put your best foot forward.  A negative comment about you or your business can lead to serious disadvantages & forming of negative perceptions about your brand.

Our expertise can be leveraged to manage, influence or convert negative to positive perception!