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Who We Are

ENGAGE with us to EMPOWER technology and TRANSFORM businesses!

In the last few decades, technology is evolving with a rapid pace to an extent it is becoming a serious disruption for the business to cope with it. This disruption can be either a competitive advantage or a big challenge, depending on how the business approaches technology. Businesses that leverage the latest technological developments to adopt cutting-edge solutions that improve their workings or deliver better products and services to their customer stand to reap rich rewards.

Our team of experts is committed to offer best possible solutions & consulting services to businesses catering to their specific needs while considering latest trends & future advancements in technology or business expansions. Our objective is to help our customers grow their business by enabling technology complementing their business growth while leveraging technology.

ascendIT has a team of young, competent  and professionally qualified group of technocrats with rich industry experience. We believe in true collaboration between business and technology to innovate a solution tailored for your specific need. We offer IT consultancy services to our customers and help them achieve desired business objectives by enabling technology.

Vision & Mission

To be onw of the most innovative & autonomous digital transformation services company in the world
To be a catalyst in continued growth of our customers by providing innovative, reliable, transformative & self-reliant digital services. We grow when our customers grow!

Our Core Values



Treat people with courtsey, politeness, and kindness.


Keep our promises even if it takes an extra effort.


We believe teamwork is the best way to work.


We seek creative ways to design & deliver our services & solutions.


We strive to achieve excellence in all that we do.

Our Philosophy

"Coming together is BEGINNING, staying together is PROGRESS, working together is SUCCESS! - Henry Ford
Money Plant Image with Growth

“Epipremnum aureum” commonly known as Money Plant is believed to bring good luck & prosperity. 

It is indeed an Air Purifying Plant!

It absorbs Radiations!

It reduces Stress!

More importantly it Attracts Wealth!

Inspired by it, we are rooted with strong principles to engage & support our partners to help their businesses flourish & prosper while delivering top-of-the-notch Digital Transformation services!

Business deal with money plant bringing prosperity